Social Media

University Social Media Policies

University Social Media Policies exist to safeguard staff, students and the public against potential risks when using social media. This includes ensuring that it is used responsibly in line with University values and expectations as well as legal and regulatory obligations.

This policy applies to all staff and students as well as anyone affiliated with the University through a University-owned or affiliated social media account (e.g., an academic tutor). It is essential that users of social media are aware of this policy and its guidance in connection with their individual activities.

1. Content posted by or on behalf of the University is subject to this policy and should not be misleading, defamatory, libelous, obscene or any other illegal act under applicable laws or regulations. The University reserves the right to remove such content from its official social media sites if it deems it in the best interests of itself, its students/staff members, or both.

2. The University is dedicated to creating an educational atmosphere that promotes freedom of speech and expression. Nevertheless, it reserves the right to remove any activity or posting that does not adhere to First Amendment protection such as unlawful, defamatory or obscene material (as defined by Texas and federal law) from an Official University Social Media Site.

3. Content on an Official University Social Media Site should never be posted or shared without the prior consent of the appropriate university official. This includes student grades, financial aid information, education records protected under FERPA or medical records protected under HIPAA regulations.

4. University Social Media Site Administrators must follow the policies of the social media platforms they utilize and may need to sign a photo release form before publishing photographs of students on any platform where that picture will enable the university to identify them. This form can be found on the university’s legal affairs web site.

5. All users of social media must be aware that their comments and posts can have a lasting effect on their personal reputations, both on and off campus. They should carefully consider how their remarks will be received by members of the public, including other University employees, and make sure any responses or rebuttals to those remarks are done with respect and in line with the University’s values and principles.

6. If a staff member or student believes they have violated this policy, they should discuss the matter with their line manager or the Digital Campaigns and Engagement Team. After reviewing the situation, they will decide on an appropriate and proportionate course of action.

7. All staff and students must abide by their legal responsibilities, particularly those related to Data Protection Act 1998 and GDPR when using University-owned or affiliated social media accounts. Furthermore, they should be familiar with other related social media policies such as those issued by Royal Pharmaceutical Society or Law Society.

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